Dear Highly Esteemed Devotees

Dear Highly Esteemed Devotees

Dear highly esteemed devotees, Please accept my heartfelt obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Saturday, December 17 is World Enlightenment Day (WED). Historically, on this day, all over the world, devotees go out to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books. Everyone is invited to do his or her level best on this day. Each person’s effort is important, however humble it may seem at the time; because, a lot of devotees...

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Books in Arabic — order now, if you have none in stock

Books in Arabic — order now, if you have none in stock

Recently, we read a nice story about Abdul, a gentleman of the Islamic faith who had been so inspired by The Higher Taste cookbook that he is now trying to be a vegetarian. Being so inspired by the cookbook, he bought all the other books on the table from Govinda Madhava Prabhu and even encouraged his friends to get some, and they did. Now, imagine how much happier he would have been if there had also been books in Arabic for Abdul to...

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Four year old girl: “Animals don’t deserve to die.”

Four year old girl: “Animals don’t deserve to die.”

While distributing books at the Observatory in Los Angeles, I met a really amazing family. The father was very interested in the japa beads I had on display. He told me that he just finished a meditation workshop and was looking for a string of beads. I gave him one and showed him the book Chant and Be Happy. He became really happy. He told me that he's had wonderful experiences with the Krishnas. His four-year-old daughter had...

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Strategies To Become A “Weekend Warrior”

Strategies To Become A “Weekend Warrior”

A renaissance in book distribution is blooming in North America. This revival is being led by a new pedigree of transcendental book distributors—the “Weekend Warrior.” Many “Warriors” are householders who have family obligations and who work during the week to earn their livelihood. But despite their busy professional and family lives, these devotees, eager for the nectar that comes from direct preaching,...

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World Sankirtan Newsletter for October 2016

World Sankirtan Newsletter for October 2016

Hare Krsna, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! You may have heard that the Russian government is trying to stop book distribution. It passed a law that does not allow anyone from any religion to promote his beliefs, and if anyone gets caught, he invites a big fine. When the devotees in Russia heard this, it caused them transcendental anxiety. Devotees are known to be quite fearless, however, so they...

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