Seven Srimad Bhagavat Sets Distributed on Ekadasi

Seven Srimad Bhagavat Sets Distributed on Ekadasi

In the morning I was doing a japa walk, and a person told me that today is Ekadasi. He said that whatever auspicious activity we perform gives a multiplied result. This gave me the impetus to set a goal of distributing ten Bhagavatam sets. When I returned home, I saw that I had only two sets. I called the BBT to order eight more, and I planned to distribute them after work. I also called Vinodh Prabhu and asked him to compose an email...

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Krishna, Please Don’t Let any of Those Bhagavad-Gita Copies Come Back Home With Us

Krishna, Please Don’t Let any of Those Bhagavad-Gita Copies Come Back Home With Us

By Promila Chitkara From Back to Godhead Is Krishna the center of our ambitions and transformations ? It was December – the month of Srila Prabhupäda’s book marathon! We were quite excited when we began book distribution. We remained excited throughout. The thought of reaching out to unlimited number of souls thrilled me. The results we achieved were seemingly in proportion to our efforts. Actually, the mercy we...

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Two Stories From Budapest

Two Stories From Budapest

A few weeks ago, Bhakta Marcel invited a young man to the temple from sankirtana. The young man liked the book that he'd received, and he was open-minded. He sat down for a bhajan, and Marcel went somewhere else. After thirty minutes Marcel came back, and the young man was sitting in a shocked condition. Marcel asked him what happened, and he said “Unbelivable! The statues are dancing!" [the Deities of Nitai-Gauranga]...

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“Atiya”. From the Harinama group of New York.

“Atiya”. From the Harinama group of New York.

She was staring at the Harinam. I said, “Salaam alaikum.” She replied, and I began to speak to her about love of God. She asked about the goal of life and how to obtain it. I answered that we need to learn about the name, form, qualities and pastimes of Allah, and develop love for Him and that this Krishna book was about the pastimes of the Lord since He was a boy until He wrapped up his pastimes. By reading this, I told...

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I bought a box of Hindi Gitas from the Chandigarh ISKCON temple during a recent visit to India. I tried to distribute books in my neighborhood on my last day in Himachal Pradesh. I visited the extended neighborhood in my village. There I met a humble soul we used to call Chachu during my childhood. When I told him that I wanted to give him something, he was emotional and thankful. When I showed him the Gita, he was speechless for a...

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