Yoga Teacher Distributes Prabhupada’s Books
Mahadyuti Prabhu has shared many reports that after giving a class, he's distributed some books. I was inspired to follow in his footsteps at a recent yoga class. Before the yoga class, I told a devotee who's a yoga teacher that I was invited to lead kirtan at a yoga center and looked forward to distributing some of Srila Prabhupada's books. He told me to never distribute books to yoga students until I have a long-term...
Homeless Man Looking For The Bhagavatam
While distributing at Santa Monica College, I saw a disheveled, homeless man coming toward me who looked like he hadn't bathed in a few years. I was thinking, “Oh no, please don't come to the table.” But he did. He then stood in front of the table for some time looking at the books. I didn't have to see him to know he was there — the stench was enough. Then he looked at me and asked, “Do you have...
Book Distribution Brings Out Kindness in People
While distributing books at Cal State Northridge University, I met a couple of students at my table who were asking about the books on display. They were both enthusiastic to take a Gita. After explaining the tenets of the Gita, I asked for a donation. One of them enthusiastically gave a donation, but the other said, “I don't have anything to give.” The person who did give a donation said, “No problem. I'll...
The Beginning of My Journey by Stevie Rojas
I have always been attracted to religion and spirituality. I grew up as a Catholic, because it is the dominant religion in my country (Philippines), but when I became a teenager, I began exploring different religions and philosophies. I would read about Buddhism and Taoism. I would also read up on some unusual stuff like Hermetics and Wicca. There was even a stage in my life where I was angry at God and became an atheist. However, I...
I Do Not Write These Books
Bhagavata Dasa: Srila Prabhupada said, "Can you quote this verse?" The two of us looked at each other, and I thought, "Tamal Krishna Goswami will quote the verse," but Tamal Krishna Goswami thought I was going to do it. Neither of us knew the verse. Prabhupada said, "Just see. You are not reading my books. Every day you have to read, study, and learn my books just like a lawyer learns the law books. You must...