Books to Iranians
I was distributing books in December outside a mall in Surrey, B.C. (Canada). I saw two men coming toward me, so I smiled and waved. They stopped, and I started showing them pictures in the Bhagavad Gita. While explaining the modes of material nature, I asked one of them, “Which mode do you think you’re mainly in?” He stared back at me without speaking, and his friend said, “We are students from Iran. I speak English, but he does not....
Oriya bus-station officer helps distribute books
Just outside Jagannath Puri, at the out-station bus stop, we ended up with books. Problem? The station was full of Hindi-speakers, and we had run out of Hindi books. So I approached a bus-station officer and told him that I wanted to distribute the Oriya books I had with me but there were hardly any Oriya-speakers there. So, until my books ran out, after taking a few books himself and making a donation, he took me to every person who...
The nectar of book distribution
Recently, I distributed books at Palomar College in southern California. An African-American was looking at the books, and he asked the price of “Teachings of Lord Caitanya.” I said, “You can’t put a price on wisdom, but for this, people give around $10.” “OK, I’ll be back.” He returned in fifteen minutes and said, “You know, I want that book because of the cover picture, because...
A new lease on life in Auckland
Recently, I met Hemi, a 44-year-old, warm and friendly Maori (native) gentleman whose work is distributing advertising leaflets to the public. He immediately recognized Srila Prabhupada’s books. He already has the Gita and others but has not yet read them. He gave a donation and took two small books. He was working the same side of the street as me. He’s been doing so from 9 until 4:30 every day for over two weeks to promote the...
Youngest Sankirtan Devotee
The French yatra has an extraordinary sankirtana devotee: a toddler, Sangita, who distributes books on her pram, probably the youngest and cutest book distributor in ISKCON. Less than two years old, Sangita started distributing books when she was barely a year old, imitating the elders while on her pram during sankirtana. During the past Christmas marathon she sold a book to a Chinese kid, and the kid’s mom gladly gave a donation. She...