Srila Prabhupada Letter to Srutadeva dasa, 11th August 1975
“I have read this week's newsletter and I like it very much. You are doing very nice service. I have got all blessings upon you, and I am ordering all temples to send you regular news. You may send them a copy of this my letter. You are a very nice boy, and you should be encouraged. It is very nice, and a great service to our cause. But, everyone should read it, otherwise what is the...
Kindly Help me This is my request by Srila Prabhupada
Audio Lecture on Kindly Help me This is my request by Srila Prabhupada Download Audio
If you get some money by Srila Prabhupada
Audio Lecture on If you get some money by Srila Prabhupada Download Audio
Lord Caitanya’s mercy in unpredictable and unexplainable
Hare Krsna, It's such a pleasure when Krishna sometimes shows us the immediate chain of somebody becoming a devotee through the books of His pure devotee. And how sweetly Krishna does it! During the Srila Prabhupada Marathon, London's Soho Street temple was out there on the streets, with grihasthas supporting it from behind. We got over 1,500 sponsored copies of "Chant and be Happy." At the last day, when Christmas...