The Mysterious Hand of Krsna
Last week I was distributing books at Moor Park College, close to Los Angeles, when a couple of curious students came to my table. I showed them the books, and they looked really impressed by what they heard, and saw in the illustrations. But when I asked if they would give a donation and take the books, they declined. I wished them a nice day and thanked them for giving me their time. Two days later I was in San Fransisco...
Malawi Mellows – A Beer in Right Hand and a Bhagavad Gita in the Left
A Sankirtan Report form Malawi Blantyre, one of the major cities of Malawi in Africa has a population of approximately 800,000 people of which 400 are of Indian origin. Malawi is one of five poorest countries of the world. Two years ago, Murari Das from Tanzania, on the order of his guru HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami started preaching and distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books in Blantyre to people of both the African and Indian...
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Yamuna dasi, August 12th 1969
“Regarding your questions about details for Deity worship, I have already mentioned in a previous letter that I shall teach you these things when I arrive in London. In the meantime there is no necessity for you to increase Deity worshiping. For the time being these new Deities may be put away nicely until I personally install them and instruct you very nicely how to tend for them correctly. For the present you may join...
Offering of MSF of 25000 Results to Srila Prabhupada by Raxit Jariwalla Prabhu, ISKCON Silicon Valley
Audio Lecture in Offering of MSF of 25000 Results to Srila Prabhupada by Raxit Jariwalla Prabhu at ISKCON Silicon Valley on 5 Jan 2011 Download Audio