Pustak Vitran Agtyata Evam Parinam
Srila Prabhupada pustak vitaran ke bare mai kahte hain…….. Download Audio
Big news from the Far East/Middle East division of the BBT
Hare Krsna, Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada! In a historical first for all BBT divisions worldwide, we are extremely excited to be offering for sale, beginning this month, the first nine (of an eventual thirty-six) very specially designed foreign language titles produced by the Far East/Middle East division of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (www.bbtfeme.com). Several years in the making, the cover...
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jagadisa, 25th June 1974
“Regarding the techniques for book distribution, it is all right if the devotees dress like the young people they are selling the books to. The main thing is that the innocent are given the books and the chance to become Krsna conscious by reading them. You have to see that our book distributors are also reading my books and following all the regulative principles, then it is all right selling in public in that...
Brhad Mrdanga Series – Tamal Krishna Goswami
Brhad Mrdanga Series by His Grace Tamal Krishna Goswami Arrival The Empowered Preachers Weapons Download Audio The Only Yajna for Kali-yuga Download Audio Successful Means To Act On Jnana Download Audio Becoming An Incarnation Download Audio Beating the Brhad-mrdanga Download Audio Book Distribution Means Presenting Krsna Download Audio Preaching Download...