Vaisesika Prabhu invites everyone to participate in the “50th” marathon

Vaisesika Prabhu invites everyone to participate in the “50th” marathon

Hare Krishna! During the 50th anniversary year of ISKCON, the "50th" book distribution marathon is upon us. This is a great idea: that everyone distribute at least 50 books. All members of ISKCON, all friends of ISKCON, are welcome to take 50 books and go out and distribute them to their friends, people they meet, and their colleagues at work. And why stop at 50 books? Why not do more? Why not invite other people to come in?...

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Reading Bhagavad Gita in Calamities like Death of Near One’s

Reading Bhagavad Gita in Calamities like Death of Near One’s

My first day of Book Marathon 2014 2nd December 2014 Gita Jayanti Day The Fight Within Getting down at the railway station; a fight arose in my mind ‐ should i go or should i not ? It was 8:30 p.m. A not so great day in office. The journey on the local train back from office had left me tired & exhausted. On one side was the anticipation of comfort at home after a day of physical & mental exertion. On the other side was the...

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Srila Prabhupada Letter to Locana dasa, November 24th 1971

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Locana dasa, November 24th 1971

“I am very pleased that you have accepted the responsibility of managing such an important center as Berkeley. I know that there are many students in that city, so just attract them to our Krsna consciousness movement by giving them prasadam and our Krsna philosophy. We can challenge any nonsense philosophy. Socrates, Plato, Kant, Darwin all of them so many mental speculators and word jugglers who have misled so many people. Now...

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Book Distribution by Vijaya Prabhu, Kualumpur Malaysia

Book Distribution by Vijaya Prabhu, Kualumpur Malaysia

Audio lecture on book distribution by His Grace Vijaya Prabhu at Kualumpur Malaysia on 25 Jan 2012 Download

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Praying for sincere people

Praying for sincere people

Yesterday, when we went out, for the first hour, no one even came close to the book table. I received a call from Paramananda Gopal, and in the course of our talk I requested him to say a prayer from New York (to Krishna) so that we could meet some sincere people here in the Bay area and connect them with Krishna. After the call, we almost planned to pack the books and go to some other location or maybe go back. At that time one...

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