Promo for 50/50
The ISKCON 50/50 Campaign How to make it work – individually and collectively The following tips may assist you in fulfilling your goal of distributing 50 transcendental books during ISKCON's 50th anniversary year, 2016. 1. Associate with devotees. Sadhu-sanga is the birthplace of our spiritual desires. Faith and inspiration increase by discussing Krishna, chanting His holy names congregationally, and exchanges of love with...
A Street Beggar Purchases Two Bhagavat Gita
One day I went to near by Ganesh temple to distribute books. First I went to a flower seller, near to Ganesh temple. I thought she is having nice devotional profession as she was selling flower for lord Ganesh. So I approached her to take one book. But to my surprise she became very much irritated and told this is just her business and nothing more. I felt very sad for her and realize that only by Then , After some time I came...
Pustak Vitrran Karnewalo Ka Pustako Ka Adhyan Karna Chaheiye
Srila Prabhupada pustak vitaran ke bare mai kahte hain…….. Download Audio
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jagadisa, April 11th 1971
“Your report of temple activities in your zone is very much encouraging. In all those centers you should especially emphasize the book distribution program in schools, colleges, libraries, etc. That is most important program, so tax your brain how to increase it more and more and Krsna will surely help...