Brazil’s congregational sankirtana – Sangita
The initiative Sangita (Congregational Sankirtana) started in 2012 in Belo Horizonte and then spread in Brazil. Currently, this initiative goes on in four cities (Belo Horizonte, Recife, Caruaru and Campina Grande). But we’ve had some version of the program in other cities: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza and Joao Pessoa. The results are interesting. I’m sharing some details about the program to show the strength that...
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Ramesvara, October 12th 1973
“I am glad to hear of the book distribution success of Tripurari in Chicago. It is reported that he did it dressed in dhoti, but Karandhara says that dhoti is an impediment. So if he can distribute 105 Gitas and 105 Sri Isopanisad in one day in dhoti in Chicago, why not try for this in other places as...
Kids go out
After the Vyasapuja, Advaita told me he was feeling sleepy and did not want to go on book distribution. I told him, "Sure, you can take rest. But do you know that today's book distribution is an offering to Vaisesika Prabhu for his vyasa-puja day?" He responded "Oh, then I will go." At ISV, kids are growing up watching offerings being made to Srila Prabhupada throughout the year, and I felt it certainly has...