Mahavidhyalayo Pushtakalayo Evam Vishwavidhyalayo Me Pustak Vitran
Srila Prabhupada pustak vitaran ke bare mai kahte hain…….. Download Audio
A Receptive Soul
I met a lady, Natalia, who worked as a clinical psychologist at a health and well being centre in Adelaide, Australia. I showed her the Bhagvad Gita. She excitedly told me that she had recently heard about the book but could not remember the context in which she heard about it. I showed her the pictures and told her that we are not this body. Then I talked to her about the subtle body and explained the picture with the chariot and the...
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Hamsaduta, 21st April 1974
“Your chart for reporting book and record distribution is approved by me, as from this chart I can quickly see how the centers are...