Our little Niece Ksanavani Distributes Prabhupada’s Books

Our little Niece Ksanavani Distributes Prabhupada’s Books

Dear devotees, The Mayapur jiva doya ladies sankirtan wants to announce the youngest participant last Saturday. Ksanavani, 3 years, who came with her fahter, Nrsmhananda Prabhu. Nitya Kishora dd met him after the feast and boldly challenged him, after hearing the most inspiring Prabhupada katha by the Prabhupada disciples in the pandal. "Prabhu, please come to our book table and distribute 3 books for Srila Prabhupada today, you...

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A bus for Nepal

A bus for Nepal

Hare Krsna! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! As you all know, last year a devastating earthquake hit Nepal. Eight thousand people died, twenty-one thousand were injured, thousands lost their homes. The people then had very little money, so it was difficult for them to donate for books. They were suffering, and the devotees were letting them know that the knowledge in the books they were offering...

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Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jagadisa, 23rd July 1973

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jagadisa, 23rd July 1973

“There is no objection to going in Western clothes in order to distribute my books. It is not necessary that we always wear the robes, but we should always keep sikha and tilaka. However, a wig or hat may be worn as you describe. We have to take whatever is the favorable position for executing Krsna consciousness. Do not forget our principles, but sometimes we may adapt such means in order to help distribute books. Somehow or...

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Winter Marathon 2015

Winter Marathon 2015

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Pustak Vitran Pranami Imandari Evam Beymani Aadi

Pustak Vitran Pranami Imandari Evam Beymani Aadi

Srila Prabhupada pustak vitaran ke bare mai kahte hain…….. Download Audio

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