The Matchless Gift (Malaysia)

The Matchless Gift (Malaysia)

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Sankirtana Ki Jai

Sankirtana Ki Jai

I was in Northern Wisconsin fixing my RV for a week and then went to The Twin Cities in Minnesota for a while to distribute some books and see some family members. There is now a good group of devotees in Minnesota so I went to one of their nice programs. They rent a hall once a month and have a big program and invite many people. They also have a program at the University of Minnesota once a week. This is one of the biggest...

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Srila Prabhupada Letter to Kirtanananda, 15th October 1976

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Kirtanananda, 15th October 1976

“A film showing illegal techniques of distributing my books (Money shuffle) were never authorized by me. If it is actually a fact what you say, then stop it immediately. In all our dealings we should be above suspicion. They say 'First impressions are lasting.' If someone feels cheated by our men because they are using dubious methods of distribution and collecting money, our purity may be doubted and reputation spoiled....

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South Indian Superstar Shriya Saran Recieve Bhagavad Gita As It is
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Peacock feather

Peacock feather

Yesterday I was distributing books on the busiest street in Melbourne City center when I saw a young man coming along with a peacock feather in front of his cap. I stopped him and said "Hey, is that a peacock feather?" He said "Yes, just like what Krsna wears". I said, "Yes, and where did you get it from?" The man replied, "I have a friend that lives far away on a farm and there are many peacocks...

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