Srila Prabhupada Letter to Bali Mardan, 31st December 1972

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Bali Mardan, 31st December 1972

“Yes, if it is enhancing our distribution of books to wear warm clothes like coat-pants in winter, I have no objection, you may wear them. Of course we may take money for Krsna using any method of beg, borrow and steal, but more advanced understanding of Krsna consciousness process is that by telling the truth in a very palatable way-that is the most successful system. Your mentioning Bangladesh feeding of refugees, of course we...

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The Fish and the walrus: from Aisvarya das

The Fish and the walrus: from Aisvarya das

Vijaya Prabhu has been very persuasive in encouraging me to write something on this forum for the pleasure of the Vaisnavas. My appreciation and respect for Vijaya Prabhu is very deep and now that he has gone global – diligently working to inspire, motivate and increase sankirtan even in the farthest reaches of our negativity and indifference to the Lord’s mission – my respect for him increases unlimitedly....

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There’s the cell phone blues, here’s the cell phone ecstacy

There’s the cell phone blues, here’s the cell phone ecstacy

from Vedavyasa das My obeisances and Thank you Vijay prabhu Your story reminded me of one day when I was going door to door at a university in Vancouver. The Bhagavad gita's were going very well. At one door one lady student wasn't interested but then I heard some noise in the basement. I requested, can you ask the person downstairs? The lady tried and the person downstairs said, "not interested". Then I heard...

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Book Distribution – The Greatest Welfare Activity

Book Distribution – The Greatest Welfare Activity

As a child, I remember my mother always motivating and encouraging me to read books. Apart from the regular literary educational books, she would give higher weightage to spiritual books, which she still does. Infact from the very moment I opened my eyes, I have been blessed to relish her mesmerising soulful voice reciting Sanskrit verses from our timeless Vedic Shastras. She always says, "These transcendental books are our real...

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Book Distribution During Sankirtan

Book Distribution During Sankirtan

Dear Devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. During a recent visit to one main city in Khasadesa, our party distributed 225 Chinese Bhagavad-gitas. We did this through holding kirtan programs and making short, convincing presentations of Bhagavad-gita As It Is. We have found that once we capture peoples' hearts through kirtan, it is much more likely they will then purchase a book. I strongly...

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