Take this book, it will bring you great fortune!
Here at the Standard Bank National Arts Festival held in the city of Grahamstown, City of Saints, thousands of people from South Africa, and all over the world flock here for ten-days or so, in a "feeding-frenzy" of arts and culture. Part of the vibe and attraction are the exotic traders from Africa and other countries. During this festival while distributing Srila Prabhupada's books I approached a Chinese trader selling...
Warm Sales and Congregational Book Distribution
Lately, a nice trend is growing with respect to distribution of the full set. We have the Bhakti vriksa programs, which involve weekly meetings in the house or apartment, where 7-11 individuals come together for spiritual discussion, kirtan and prasadam. In the eastern horizons, this is a most effective means to interact with people on a personal and family level which can be lacking in the temple settings. It is certainly an...
Review on Bhagavad Gita AS IT IS from amazon.com
It is easy to see why Swami Bhaktivedanta's commentary on the Gita is so popular in India – that is because it is TOTALLY AUTHENTIC and very much in tune with the commentaries of all the main preceptors of Vedic traditions like Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Nimbarkacarya, and Visnu Swami. His translation of the Gita is actually accepted by other Vedic disciplic successions such as the Sri, Madhva, Vallabha and Nimbarka...