Even a Butcher Can Take Part
Recently, I tried to distribute Prabhupada's books in the villages in Slovakia. Last week I went door to door and entered a butcher's shop. A woman saw me in Vaishnava clothes, with books in my hand, and she immediately said, "I do not want any books. Some salesman was here last week." I told her that I am not a salesman, but a monk. I showed her books, but she was not at all interested. Then I told her, "Madam,...
Srila Prabhupada Letter to John Milner, April 22nd 1971
“It is so much encouraging to hear how you are introducing this Krsna consciousness movement in the schools and colleges there. Especially this is an ideal opportunity for distributing our books also, so you should make all serious endeavors in this connection. These books are so potent that anyone who reads them is sure to become Krsna conscious. So it is a very valuable service to distribute our...
Increased youth interest in Gita
Today on sankirtana, on three occasions, students came to my table and looked at the Bhagavad-Gita and flatly interrupted me while I was trying to show it to someone else, saying, "I want this. How much is it?" This has happened before, but three times in one day is a charm. The kids I talk to nowadays are concerned about global warming and terrorism. They do not have the same assurance of the somewhat predictable world that...