Srila Prabhupada Letter to Kirtiraja dasa, 28th May 1975
“Thank you for sending the book reviews. They are very encouraging to me. As much as possible, we want our books to be accepted by all learned circles of men. Regarding sending books freely to any library. The system that you can adopt is to send the books and tell them to read them over for one week's time. If they do not like the book, they should send it back at our cost. If they like it and want it, then they can send...
Book Distribution at a Party
One Saturday I went door to door in Hamilton, NZ. After a stretch of houses, I could hear someone playing a guitar in the next driveway on the other side of a hedge. As I came around the corner I recognised Regan, a guy who studies law and once came to the Krishna House. He had a drum with him, so we tried to jam and chant Hare Krsna to a famous "Nirvana" riff. Befitting the band's name, it was a nice beginning to my...
Harinama or Book Distribution by Bhakti Vikas Swami
Audio lecture on Harinama or Book Distribution by His Holiness Bhakti Vikas Swami Download
Touching the Soul
By Sivarama Swami Just after loading my bookbag with (20) maha books I tapped a man on the arm and looked him in the eye. He stopped, expecting me to say something. I didn’t. I put a book in his hand, pointed at Prabhupada’s picture, to the Sanskrit inside and then up to the sky indicating the books are meant to elevate you. I remember being absorbed in the desire to give out books and after looking deep into his eyes...
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Damodara, September 1st 1973
“I am especially encouraged by your increasing the distribution of books. That is our primary business, to sell these transcendental literatures profusely all over the world. And your methods which you have introduced for distributing the books are very much liked by me and approved fully. Whatever we have to do to induce people to take a book, that is nice. We shall judge the thing by its result, not by its means. But at the...