Srila Prabhupada Letter to Ramesvara, 1st January 1975
“If we simply speak nicely to a person and try sincerely to get him to take the book he'll take it. Why should we adopt unfair means? We should not do anything which will create a bad impression or make us unpopular. People are after these books, they are hankering for them. We don't need to take cheating method. I never had to use any cheating method when I first began. I simply presented the real thing. Basically and...
Two travelers pick up books
Met a man today with two suitcases. I asked him why he looked more peaceful than everyone else, and he said because he has suffered so much. I showed him the Gita, but he said he had the Gita. I showed him "Searching For Vedic India," which he immediately took a liking to. He said he is going to India next year. He gave $20 and took the book. (He said that he was an upscale homeless man. His wife had left him and his kids...
Book Distribution Updates 2015
Dear Devotees … Pamho Agtsp. Srila Book Distribution Marathon ki jai. This Year 2015 marks 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupad going to west to preach Krishna consciousness. In the wake of this event , all over the world devotees of ISKCON are putting massive efforts to distribute Srila Prabhupad given divine gifts i.e. his transcendental books . Here too in Mumbai, all 4 iskcon temples have organised n planned their marathon...
The Nectar for which we are always anxious for! by Madhu Mangal das
Dear Prabhu's, Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga, all glories to the sankirtan devotees of the Lord! During Srila Prabhupada's 2003 December Book Distribution Marathon, I sold a book to a Russian lady, who told me that she was a ballet teacher for the Cape Performing Arts Society. Before she had come to South Africa during the early Communist years, she had been a principle dancer for...