A lady’s Sister Helps a Devotee Distribute a Book
During the Prabhupada marathon in Upper Hutt, near Wellington, NZ, I tried stopping a young Maori lady with a pram as she entered a burger shop. She gave me the cold shoulder – didn't even consider stopping. Soon after I stopped another young Maori lady who was very interested in the Gita, though she didn't know much about Krsna or Eastern wisdom. Being fifty cents short of the recommended donation, she said she would...
Finding for pearls in the ocean
It was a wonderful day on sankirtan as HG Vaisesika Prabhu returned from the dham after 6 weeks. Just the presence of Prabhu felt so purifying in the most passionate place, Market and Powell street in San Francisco. As Prabhu mentioned it felt like an milk ocean of people and there were some valuable pearls here and there. Everyone was going somewhere and no one was interested in spirituality. But ISV devotees, almost 35 of them...
University of Florida Book Distribution
I approached one student, as I was explaining to him the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita he told me that the day before he had purchased the Bible and that he was thinking he should also purchase the Bhagavad Gita because he was trying to understand God. He was so enthusiastic to get the Gita that I could not even finish the presentation before he asked me how much I wanted. He was amazed that the day after he had the desire to get a...
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Hamsaduta, January 20th 1972
“Regarding salesmanship, it is a great art. It can be used for selling Krsna consciousness also. I am very much engladdened that you are so much enthusiastic, and you may know it that Krsna will help such enthusiastic devotees. May Krsna bless you all...