Importance of Book Distribution by HH Lokanath Swami
Audio lecture on Importance of Book Distribution by HH Lokanath Swami Download
Book Distribution from the Comfort of your own Home
This type of book distribution is especially for the devotees having reservation for street/door-to-door distribution, but WANT to participate. This method uses the *C*ircle *o*f *I*nfluence (*CoI*) contact of each devotee. CoI contacts can be Friends, Relatives, Previous or Present Colleagues, Neighbors, Shopkeepers or anyone whom one can approach. *Phase 1:* Make a list of 10-15 very close people from your CoI contact,...
Book distribution sankirtan in UK – Encounter of the day
Visvambhara das: I met with the famous comedian/magician, John Archer. He took a Bhagavad-gita and gave a £10 donation. I said, “If you give me another £10, I’ll show you some Italian magic.” John gave it and then wanted to see the magic. I replied, “The magic is that I made £20 disappear from your pocket!” John replied, “You cheeky fellow!” Lol...
Book Distribution is Heart of ISKCON
Book Distribution is Heart of ISKCON Marathon Message by H.H Bir Krishna Goswami Download