Srila Prabhupada is Still Preaching
Today was the first day I went on Sankirtana in more than a month. I went from Australia, to Malaysia, to Taiwan, to L.A. to Minneapolis to Wisconsin in a matter of days. Then I spent a couple of weeks getting my motorhome repaired and ready for the road. I couldn't afford a new motor home so the one I have is 30 years old and it has taken me a while to restore it and get it customized to a devotees needs. Now it is somewhat...
Bhakta Prahlad Made the Day…
It was the end of the day at the college table and I was feeling a little sad that the kids had not been very interested. Many already had books from us and only a few seemed to want more. I started praying,"Please Krishna, send some really interested person before I leave, please." Then immediately arrived Bhakta Prahlada. He was only 19 years old and he came to LA from Bangalore to go to college. He is by himself in...