Thank you notes from Joey and J. Davis to Tusta Krsna das in the USA
Hare Krsna I started to read the Science of Self Realization. I must inform you that I feel greatly blessed that these books are available in English in this life. I'm only one chapter into The Science of Self Realization and I feel like A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's teaching are exactly what all of humanity must read. It all makes so much sense. Please let me know when and where you are chanting. My friend Mike and I...
Book Distribution Wallpapers – 48
Download wallpapers in all sizes for desktop and mobile:...
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja, 15th February 1975
“Thank you very much for sending the book reviews. Send more if you can. These are very, very encouraging. I am keeping a collection of these reviews and I show them to big, big scholars and professors when they come to see me. They are very...
Even the Derelicts Take Books
Some time back I was sitting behind a book table in Sydney. Not so many people were checking out the table, but by Krsna's grace I was stopping a few and some books were going out. Then a derelict stopped and started looking at the books. He asked how much the hardback Bhagavad-gita was. When I told him, he walked away, and I didn't think I'd see him again. But he soon returned, and after perusing the books he miraculously...