Bhagavat Gita is The Essence of All Religion
Partha sakha prabhu, GEV, Wada shares his poetry “Glories of Srimad Bhagavad Gita and its Distribution” Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the complete solution for all pollution The supreme science is for self realization which brings alone socialrevolution. All humans are moving towards the fire of devastation the transcendental song assures the eternal protection. (1) The song divine is the description of soul, super soul...
We All are Heavily Indebted to Srila Prabhupada
Hare. Krishna.. The experience I got just now while delivering 3 preordered Krishna books is worth sharing. Usually we have a negative opinion while talking about BMC and RTO personnel when money is concerned. But while on the mission of book distribution I had a very different and pleasing experience and which clearly marks the power these extraordinary books by Srila Prabhupada command. I went to BMC “M” ward to deliver...
Guru Parampara Protects all Who Distributing Books
I was told by my senior devotees to not come for book distribution on stalls but rather concentrate on a very important exam NET test which I was to appear. As book distribution was happening so much around me in my bace, it was quite difficult to resist, But I had to also pass this exam as by doing so, it would boost our preaching at University. I decided not to go. However as I had to everyday go to santacruz university to study and...
Power of Krishna Prasad
Two days back we distributed books worth 51 k in a company. Both Panch Pandav Prabhu and myself had taken permission from this company in November and the manager was very favorable and had enthusiastically accepted our salary deduction facility. But on the day of distribution, when the time came to submit the creditlist, the manager, over the phone, became suddenly opposed to oursystem. He gave me the standard excuses like 1)...
Margin of a Devotee
This incident took place in Datta Mandir Sanpada on the occasion of Datta Jayanti. We were distributing books at the exit gate of the temple, many people passingby but very few having look on it inspite interested . we were putting all possible efforts so that as maximum as possible, people can get this knowledge. Then one lady approached the stall. she was interested only in Bhagavat Gita (already she had decided in her mind) so she...