Lost and Found
Walking back from work, I noticed a couple standing outside the Wellington Information Centre looking lost and confused. Walking by them, I called out: "You look a bit lost." Grateful that someone had noticed, they immediately turned to me and handed me a map. Pointing out their destination, a "freedom" camping site on Owhiro Bay, a scenic ocean-side spot in Wellington, they asked: "Can you tell us how to get...
Young European men take up bhakti at the Loft in Auckland
One Saturday, I had a nice exchange with a young man from France, who was interested in, though not overly enthusiastic about, our books and philosophy. He said he wouldn't take a Gita because he'd already picked one up from someone named Bhakti in Melbourne. A few months prior, I'd been in Melbourne and met an amazing devotee named Bhakti Sara. He is very inspiring – enthusiastic to get out on book distribution, to...
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Gurudasa, 1st December 1968
“Your idea of arranging a meeting with all of the influential people who are interested in your activities is an excellent suggestion and may prove very good results. So certainly Krsna is guiding you in your thoughts and activities. This is very nice and all very encouraging to me. As you may have heard, our Bhagavad-Gita As It Is is now published and can be ordered from the New York temple by writing to Brahmananda. Please try...
Young Brazillion in Auckland finds Krishna
A young, sincere Brazilian man arrived one Thursday in Auckland. One of his purposes in traveling was to find himself. Come Friday, day two, he walked up Queen Street and met Simon, our new French bhakta, who was having his first experience on the street. Simon invited the Brazilian to the Loft and gave him a magazine; then the Brazilian came across me, further up Queen Street. On day three in Auckland his good fortune increased when...
World Sankirtan Newsletter for March 2015
Hare Krsna, Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada! The month of March was very good for Santiago, Chile. This was the No. 1 temple in South America, with 5,102 book points — a 475% increase. The devotees in Chile not only distribute lots of books but also have great harinamas. I was there last year — very nice. London also had a great month of book distribution. This was the No. 1 temple in Europe in...