Spanish treasures
Hare Krsna, Today at the office, it was just another normal day, and I was between patient cases . . . until a lady peered through my office door, which was half ajar. She said, "Oh, I see, you are the one with the Bhagavad Gita!" It turns out she is an Registered Nurse who works for the family-doctor group in my building. She is there on Fridays when I am at another location. She was referring to...
Nityananda Delivered Mrgrari of southern Idaho
Dear Prabhus, It was nice, sunny, and beautiful spring day. People were busy in their own fun plans. Some people were with their groups getting ready to enter in a restaurant for lunch and others were waiting outside for their mates to arrive. Some were enjoying the sunny lounge of bars and restaurants. He whole area was filled with the smell of roasted meat and garlic etc. After struggling for about an hour in downtown area of Boise,...
Jaded Students
Sastra-krit and several devotees hold Bhakti-Yoga Club meetings for students at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. During the Srila Prabhupada Marathon, the club members decided to distribute Prabhupada's mercy to other students, so they brought five cases of Bhagavad-Gitas to the center of the campus, where they were surprised to find thousands of students in queue, awaiting puppies....
All glories to the “Prabhupada Marathon 02”
Dear Prabhu's, Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. I hope everyone has had a successful Prabhupada marathon. With every extra endeavor we make to please Krsna He makes an extra endeavor to give Himself, as He says in Bhagavad Gita "ye yatha mam prapadyante" Prabhupada also speaks on this by saying, "For every step we take to Krsna He takes ten towards us." He also says, "If...
“This is for me”
Dear Devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Recently, among my papers, I found this story by a Russian devotee about how he came to Krsna consciousness. It was the morning after New Year's Eve, and I had drunk so much that I couldn't move. It wasn't nectar that I had drunk, so I just laid there hoping my hangover would wear off soon. Then with difficulty I turned my head and saw a...