Book distribution in Nairobi Africa
As I was distributing books in Nairobi, Krsna gave me a new line for distributing books. After I stopped someone and exchanged a few words, I'd present the book to the person and, as Srila Prabhupada encouraged us to do, show the pictures to them. Showing the changing bodies picture, I'd say the soul is going through the body from boyhood to old age to death and that it would continue after the death of the...
Lord Nityananda encourages the devotees on book distribution
We went to the University of Altiplano, next to the world's highest lake, Titicaca. The lake contains two huge islands at its center. Through its waters navigate commercial and tourist vessels. It marks the border of Peru and Bolivia, which is famous for its icy breezes. Because of that I had trouble keeping my hands out of my pockets long enough to show people the books. Practically I begged people:...