Only “That” Bhagavad Gita Please
My wife, Saswati Radhike Devi Dasi, and I were distributing Bhagavad-gita one evening near our home in Baguiati in Kolkata. We set up our tables and Srila Prabhuapada's books as usual. We were very eager to distribute books that day. We started announcements regarding Srila Prabhuapada's books. A few people took a Bhagavad-gita. Suddenly we met a lady and her small daughter. When my wife asked the lady to get a Gita, she said...
Pope John Paul Receives Bhagavad Gita As It Is
OAuthException: (#10) Application does not have permission for this actionAll Bhagavad Gita’s Are The Same
A girl sitting with her friends in a bus responded to the offer of a Gita: "I have a Bhagavad-gita at home, I don’t need another one." I asked whether she had Bhagavad-gita As It Is. She arrogantly asked, "What does it matter? They're all the same." I replied, "Well, all buses are the same, but you are sitting only on this bus." She said that this is because she had to go to the place where this...
Prayers Answered By Krishna
I am doing four days of traveling book distribution every week. Last week we were in southwest England, doing the coastal towns that sankirtan devotees have not regularly visited for ten to fifteen years. In one town I met an old English gentleman who told me he had just finished reading Gandhi's biography and was praying that he could acquire a Bhagavad-gita. I showed him the book and the quote by Gandhi on the back, and he...