The Tremendous Effect of Srila Prabhupada’s Books

The Tremendous Effect of Srila Prabhupada’s Books

Last summer I meet a young man at a Rainbow Gathering in Switzerland. He was on a journey to find the goal of life. We had a nice discussion, and I invited him to our temple in Zurich. Already the next day he showed up, and after three days in the temple he decided to stay for the bhakta program, which had started just a week before. One day a friend of his came for the Sunday feast, and when he saw me, shouted, "Hey, I know you!...

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This Happened in Coney Island, New York

This Happened in Coney Island, New York

Sometimes we might feel despair, thinking we are too small or too few to do something. But one grain at a time will help a lot. Today I met a person on the streets of Coney Island. A 92-year-old man, he was whistling in the street, I felt so much affection for him that I had to approach him. I said, "You must be happy today. You are whistling." He replied, "Yes, that makes me happy. What makes you happy?" I said,...

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Synergistic Preaching with HG Vaisesika Prabhu

Synergistic Preaching with HG Vaisesika Prabhu

I had a most uplifting time at the Toronto temple this past weekend because I had the exhilirating association of His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu. I was standing outside the temple, waiting to drive the devotees to Kensington Market to do book distribution and Harinama. An older Indian gentleman I had met in the washroom introduced himself as Davinder, and now he came up to me and started to glorify Srila Prabhupada. He said, "Srila...

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Welcome to the Journey

Welcome to the Journey

I was distributing at the Santa Monica Promenade in Los Angeles when I approached a group of three young men. Two of them walked on, while the other one looked at the book I was showing, "The Journey of Self Discovery." I handed it to him and asked him to check it out. I then showed him the pictures. While I was showing them, he yelled at his friends, "Hey guys, come and look at these cool pictures." They came over...

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Report from Malawi

Report from Malawi

Malawi, in Africa, is a place where very few have heard of Krsna. But there are many people here who are always ready to buy the books, and as soon as they look at them, they say how beautiful they are. Once I went into a bakery named Ali Baba Bakery and showed the books to the fair-skinned man at the cash counter. His name was Nicholas and he was immediately interested. He took SSR, Raja Vidya, Beyond Birth and Death, and Perfection...

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