Victoria’s surrender

Victoria’s surrender

While I was distributing books at Balboa Park in San Diego, three ladies come to my table, all crying. Fifty feet away from my table a violinist was playing, and they were listening to him before coming to my table. He’s good, so good that he brought them to tears. I showed them the Gita. They all loved it, and one said, “The violinist was good, but this is the cherry on top of the cake.” They all took Gitas, an SSR,...

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Krsna sends a Hare Krishna to the preaching center

Krsna sends a Hare Krishna to the preaching center

A really nice, young African-American man, a hip-hop artist with dreadlocks and a tattoo, from our neighborhood walked in for lunch and said, “I’m a Hare Krishna. What religion y’all practice?” Just to tease him, I asked, What is a Hare Krishna? He says, “It’s the original consciousness. I asked how he became a Hare Krishna. He said that he found the audio of Srimad Bhagavatam online and he’s...

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A sweet sankirtan story from Coventry, England

A sweet sankirtan story from Coventry, England

The penultimate day of the book marathon ended on a fabulously high note. I stopped Karl on the street and handed him a Bhagavad Gita. I explained that it is a book of ancient wisdom that provides a comprehensive understanding of life’s true meaning and purpose. Karl replied by saying that he did not want to read any book about the purpose of life other than a book written by Prabhupada. His pronunciation wasn’t wholly accurate,...

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The mystical direct mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Jesus

The mystical direct mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Jesus

I returned to Reading today, where I met Noddy, aged 83. Having successfully stopped him in his tracks, I introduced him to the Bhagavad Gita. I explained that it contains the oldest sacred writings known to man. This attracted Noddy’s interest, and he was fascinated by our scriptures, wanting to know more. We spoke for some time whilst I expanded on the essence of the teachings. Noddy revealed that his wife had passed away three...

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A friend inspires his friends to take books

A friend inspires his friends to take books

We were in Palmerston North, New Zealand, for the first weekend of the marathon. After distributing books all day across from a plaza, it was becoming quiet, so I decided to walk to another spot. On the way I saw four guys huddled around a car, talking and laughing. I felt a bit intimidated, because I don’t usually stop groups. I just walked past them and went on distributing books at the new spot. About twenty minutes later I...

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