Is this book about going back to Godhead?
I got to the Kumeu New World market with Khela Tirta Prabhu at around 4pm. I stopped Austin and handed him a HIUH. He looked at me and said, “Is this book about going back to Godhead?” I couldn’t believe what this guy just said, “how do you know that?” I replied. Turns out his friend Chris had given him Srila Prabhupada’s “Coming Back” during the lockdown. He told me the truth of his...
No library should be without a book by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami!
On Friday, August 27, 2020, Vaisheshika Prabhu posted a video of Indradyumna Swami and Jayapataka Swami stressing the importance of distributing Srimad Bhagavatam on that special day. Although busy, I felt like I had to get out. It was late in the evening in Texas, with a little daylight remaining. I put a Srimad Bhagavatam in my book bag and went to the closest shopping area near my home. Approaching people who were coming out of an...
wwoofer’s get books
I was thinking about eating lunch when I stopped a cool young Canadiancouple: Evan and Nat. It turned out that they were working in the same appleorchard as Dylan and Ti, who used to “wwoof” (Worldwide Opportunities atOrganic Farms) at the Bhakti Lounge. After lockdown, Dylan and Ti had traveled to Wellington. And while they werelooking for a place to eat, they met Gokul Lila on the street. She invitedthem to come to the...
25 years later…
A nice family I met a few months back bought japa beads from me, and Ididn’t think much of it. We didn’t talk much. But today Manish reminded methat we’d met a few months back and and said that now he and his family arechanting two rounds daily. I asked him where he first met the devotees and how he developed interest inchanting. He told me that 25 years ago the Chowpatty devotees would visit his medicalschool in Mumbai, and...
On the fast track back to Godhead
Harinam sankirtan goes on regularly in Zagreb, Croatia. Because of this,Krishna is now “the most popular God in town.” I was distributing booksdowntown with the harinam, and I observed that the majority of people likethe chanting. Some stop, and some also chant and dance with us. With harinam, book distribution is easier because you can see who isfavorable and who is not. I approached a nineteen-year-old who was...