A perfect arrangement

A perfect arrangement

Gokul Lila, Saumya Mayi, and I set up a book table outside a bank inPalmerston North for the day, across the street from a busy mall entrance. Two of us would distribute in the mall, while one manned the table, piledvery high with stacks of “Hiding in Unnatural Happiness.” I was standing atthe table, looking down to read a message on my phone, when I heard anenthusiastic voice say, “Check out the table!” I looked up and...

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Time bomb

Time bomb

Recently, in Zagreb, Croatia, I was distributing books at a tram stationnear the main train station. It was crowded. People didn’t show muchinterest in spiritual books, or they said, “We already have our spiritualbook, the Bible.” After some time, a person took an interest in at leastseeing the books, but he didn’t take any. Then I took one step, and the next person stopped me. It was a young woman,and she told me, “I will show you...

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1 of 21 The HARE KRISHNA film’s impact

1 of 21 The HARE KRISHNA film’s impact

My father in the former USSR knew about Krishna consciousness since 1985,when my brother and I joined the movement. Although my father is very kindand devoted to his family, he has always been skeptical about Krishnaconsciousness. It was in June, 2020, that he had a turning point in his views. It happenedafter he watched the movie HARE KRISHNA! on the life of Srila Prabhupada. Itwas free on YouTube during the lockdown. I watched the...

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Rare souls

Rare souls

Recently, as I described the Bhagavad-gita to a young Muslim man at the NYCHarinam book table, he said that he had just been listening to a lecture,advising that one acquire spiritual knowledge; now I was showing him theBhagavad-gita. As I talked, he pointed out things in common with his Islamic tradition.When I showed him the contents of Science of Self-Realization, he noticedthe article entitled “The Human Form of Life is Meant for...

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World Sankirtan Newsletter, September 2020

WSN-SEPT-2020.TXTDownload This has never happened before: Chowpatti is the No. 1 temple in India andthe No. 2 temple worldwide (just behind Los Angeles, which is always upthere in the charts). The Chowpatti temple did 32,952 book points inSeptember, and the Los Angeles temple did a whooping 40,949 book points. Look out, Europe! New Mayapur (France) is moving up in the competition. Itwas No. 3 among the European temples, with...

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