Srila Prabhupada Letter to Kurusrestha dasa, 28th December 1976

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Kurusrestha dasa, 28th December 1976

“I have seen the pictures of the Deity installation you have sent. It appears to be very nicely done. Stick to the principles. All the brahmana devotees appear to be very nice. Do this and be happy. In your country hundreds of temples like this must be opened. Town to town, village to village. I am very pleased. Another temple opened, another book published that is the success of this movement. Without book distribution the...

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Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jyotiganesvara dasa, 16th January 1975

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jyotiganesvara dasa, 16th January 1975

“Because I am stressing one thing (book distribution) especially, does that mean that everything else is not important? No. Everything must go on. Please consult with your temple president or your GBC for direction as to what is your best engagement there in San...

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Srila Prabhupada Letter to Trivikrama Swami, 2nd December 1974

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Trivikrama Swami, 2nd December 1974

“I received today also the Chinese literature On the Way to Krsna. One Chinese literature is 1,000 times better preaching than worshiping in the temple. But we have to have a place and the worship must go on. Without having a selling place, how will people come to see us and talk with us? So try to distribute and publish as much as possible. I am coming there very soon. So please arrange for...

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Srila Prabhupada Letter to Sudama, 23rd March 1973

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Sudama, 23rd March 1973

“You mentioned about your temple bus, and that is very nice. When I saw Rupanuga’s bus in New Vrndavana I wanted that there be a whole fleet. But you should not take Radha-Krsna travelling, better you take Gaura-Nitai. For serving Gaura-Nitai there is no offense, but if Radha-Krsna is there and there is some discrepancy, then there is great offense and this should be avoided. Therefore, I gave the same advice to Visnujana...

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Srila Prabhupada Letter to Sudama, 26th January 1973

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Sudama, 26th January 1973

“You have my sanction to take with you Gaura-Nitai Deities. Carefully worship Them, attending to Them with regular aratis and bhoga offerings. Be very careful to maintain a strict standard of worship, and whenever you arrive at a temple you can place the Deity on the...

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