World Sankirtan Newsletter, October 2020

WSN-OCT-2020.TXTDownload The Swansea temple in Wales had the best month I’ve ever seen from thisquaint little city in Great Britain. It was the No. 1 temple in GreatBritain with 4,906 book points and No. 9 worldwide. And in Bangladesh atemple has come up that I’ve never seen or noticed before in the newsletter.Coxbazar did huge, with 4,301 book points, making it No. 11 in the world.Both are in the Small...

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The puzzle pieces come together

The puzzle pieces come together

I was waiting to get picked up from the Cuba Mall in Wellington. Was it a coincidence that the driver was ten minutes late? I met a nineteen-year-old named Taylor. As I put the “Hiding In Unnatural Happiness” in her hand and introduced myself, she exclaimed under her breath, almost in disbelief, “I just had a conversation yesterday . . .” Taylor explained that she is on her gap-year, traveling with her mother after...

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Another time bomb

Another time bomb

It was hot summer day in May 2003. I was preparing for medical entrance exam and was completely exhausted by the long hours I had put. Add to it the tremendous anxiety about carrier and future. I desperately wanted to read some inspiring book, which would give me some peace of mind. I started searching books on the shelf. In the corner was Bhagavad-gita As It Is. It had been kept on my book shelf for nearly ten years. I...

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Something amazing

Something amazing

A Christian couple was asking me lots of questions, and this curiousteenager passing by also wanted to join our conversation. At the end, theChristian couple prayed for me and left without taking any books. The boy,however, was impressed with the Krishna philosophy he heard and wanted tobuy books. His mom came out of a shop, and I congratulated her for raising such a niceson. She then told me something amazing. She said that when she...

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Two types of mercy for one customer

Two types of mercy for one customer

It’s a dream coming true. While distributing books, I wanted to distributeprasad and cultivate the favorable customers. The wonderfulsoul in the attached photo came for lunch a few times, and then we invitedher to our kirtan events. She came to a few kirtans, and this evening afterkirtan she agreed to take home a full set of Srimad Bhagavatams. She is sweet andfavorable to Krishna consciousness.  –ys, Shastrakrt...

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