World Sankirtan Newsletter August 2020
It looks like Covid-19 was a blessing in disguise for the Vancouver templein August. I don’t remember ever seeing such a high score. It was the No. 9temple worldwide, with almost 7,000 book points. Another pleasant surpriseis the No. 1 book distributor for the month: Vibhu Caitanya Prabhu, an oldfriend, from Durban. He’s been a book distributor for many years, but I’venever seen him score so high. It looks like...
Nice Sankirtan experiences in Dallas Texas
Last week I gave a Bhagavad Gita to Andy, a man wearing a Greatful DeadT-shirt. I told him that the Greatful Dead played with Srila Prabhupada inSan Francisco. He scraped up a couple of dollars in change and promised togive me more later. Today at Whole Foods I was getting rung up for a pile oforganic ginger, spinach, the most expensive butter, and an eleven dollargallon of Kalona whole milk. Then Andy comes up and tells the checkout...
A devotee professor distributing books to his students
by Garuda Das For more than thirty years, I have been teaching at the college and university levels of education. And during each one of those years, I have required students to purchase Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Bhagavad-gītā As It Is, and then read large portions of it for my courses. Well, during the pandemic, it is no exception. In the picture below, I have 100 books that I will be selling to students (at my cost, to make it easy), and...
Another soul closer to Krsna
Recenly a friend gave a Bhagavad Gita to a person named Donald. From thebeginning of his reading he liked it so much. Every day he was reading fortwo hours. He had smoked for thirty years but stopped, then he had stoppedeating meat, and he felt a sense of being purified, all from reading SrilaPrabhupada’s books. He contacted the devotees in Columbus, Ohio, and asked whether there was anyway to get more books. It was durin g the...
Determinaiton to get the mercy
I was with Zoe one Monday morning outside Lower Hutt Mall in Wellington. It was such a cold day that Zoe told me she could no longer feel her toes. It being a cold morning, I could have easily anticipated it would be a hard day to distribute books, but sankirtan doesn’t work that way. Krishna’s plan is bigger and better than the weather and day of the week. A couple of hours after being at the mall, I met Mohini, a Fijian-Indian...