Book Distribution Lecture by Vijaya Prabhu at Lenasia, South Africa
Book Distribution Lecture by Vijaya Prabhu at Lenasia, South Africa on 16 May 2012 Download
How we came to Krsna Consciousness
Dear Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I just received a letter from a devotee that sent one of the stories that I sent on the bds, to a friend, that person he sent the story to was from India but had never read the Bhagavad Gita but after reading the story she became very inspired to read the Bhagavad Gita.This devotee suggested that we compile a book of enlivening stories of how we came to...
Science of Self Realization
In Bombay, while distributing books at Colaba,the touristy street in downtown, I came across a nice couple from England. As we spoke, Reuben explained to me that he had already read the "Science of Self Realization." I was amazed at how he began to glorify Srila Prabhupada. He said, "The author of that book, Prabhupada, is so on the ball; he is so intelligent! I especially enjoyed the conversation he had with that...
Prabhupada’s Miracle
Devotee: They are attracted by wonderful things such as Sai Baba. He is doing so many wonderful things. People… Prabhupada: That is, means rascal. He does not see Krsna's wonderful. If you want to see wonderful things, why don't you see the more wonderful things? But they are foolish; they are captivated with small wonderful things. That means less intelligent….. Whatever you need, Krsna will supply, if you...
Czech Sankirtan Stories
Dear vaisnavas, please accept my humble obbeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. Here are some sankirtan stories from czech devotees who distributed Srila Prabhupadas book and Krsnas prasadam. These stories are from this marathon and from period before marathon. I also want to apologize that my english is not perfect. I was distributing in one industrial city and in the late afternoon suddenly one lady seeing me that I am...