Christmas Eve in the mall
Dear Prabhu's, Here's a few little stories. One old lady of maybe 75 years. She had her fingernails painted red with little white Christmas trees on them, and was quite touched that I noticed them and told her how nice they looked. After she gave me a few dollars I really got a thrill watching her hobble away with a big brown 9th canto part 3 under her arm. Another was a man who was sitting in his car on his mobile phone, I...
Letter from Patita Pavan das – begging for the mercy.
Dear vaisnavas and vaisnavis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. All glories to his books and book distribution and distributors. In Cape Town, South Africa we had a particularly ecstatic and purifying marathon. During part of it we travelled to Johannessburg and for the rest of it we had the transcendental association of His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami. I am talking on behalf of...
It is very nice
Amogha: Srila Prabhupada? When people in the street hear Krsna's name, the chanting, or they get some literature, does that mean they will not take birth as an animal? Prabhupada: No. They'll get birth in a good family. Sucinam sahmatam gehe. If they simply appreciate "It is very nice," then in the next life, human life is guaranteed. In a very nice family. Simply if he appreciates, "Yes, it is very...
Book Distribution in U-district Fair — A purifying experience
Dear devotees, All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to transcendental book distribution It was a wonderful experience for all of us who distributed books, flyers and mercy to the visitors of u-district fair. Thanks to Narayan Prabhu for organizing book table in U-District Fair and giving opportunity to all of us to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s mercy to the Strangers of Seattle. Thanks for HG Harivilas Prabhu and HG...
Lecture by Vijay Prabhu, Mayapur festival 2005
Lecture by Vijay Prabhu, Mayapur festival 2005 So, I would like to welcome everyone to our 1st book distribution seminar. Tomorrow the seminar will not be here, because we will have the book distribution award ceremony in the main tent. There will be three sannyasis speaking their realizations about book distribution, and there will be awards given out to book distributors. One thing I wanted to discuss is the importance of book...