From maha apple to maha books

From maha apple to maha books

I was in Rotarua (New Zealand) desiring to hit a certain goal of Krishna books, I had two sets left and was walking through the mall pondering whether or not Krishna would allow me to do them before the day was up. Then I saw emerging from the crowd of Black Friday shoppers an Indian man working for Bidvest, he had Tulsi wrapped around his neck and was pushing a delivery trolly. I stopped him and he said loudly “Hey you, you...

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College customers: mystified and amazed

College customers: mystified and amazed

While I was distributing at Moor Park College, a lady came to my table and was happy to see the Bhagavad Gita. Then she started looking at other books. I asked her whether she already had the Gita, and she did. I asked how she got. She said, “I bought a car, and the book was in the car when I bought it. It was the most inspiring book I ever read. And what’s amazing is that IT came to me.” There’s a saying in...

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Three ripe fruits

Three ripe fruits

A young woman came to my book table and started turning the pages of Bhagavad-Gita. She then took a picture of the introduction, where it says, “the human being has two psychic divisions, to be the controller and to be the enjoyer.” She commented that it seemed so true. When I offered her the Gita, she said, “Really, I could have this? This is for me?” It turned out that a Vaisnava youth, Vraja, who lives in...

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Krsna and us — and the souls we want to reach

Krsna and us — and the souls we want to reach

In a letter to Subala on November 12, 1967, Srila Prabhupada wrote, “Theprinciple of chanting is to glorify the Lord and not to attract a crowd. IfKrsna hears nicely, then He will ask some sincere devotee to gather in sucha place.” The same goes for book distribution. If we’re Krsna conscious, and we’regoing out to glorify Krsna and help the conditioned souls, Krsna will sendpeople to us to come and take books....

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It wasn’t your time…

It wasn’t your time…

I was distributing in Germany and approached a man, introducing myself as a monk. I mentioned karma and reincarnation. He asked, “You are a monk? I’ll tell you what. I have experienced something incredible. Let me tell you what happened to me. I had some serious health problems and died — legally dead. My brain was not provided with oxygen for so long that according to conventional medicine it was not possible to survive. What...

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