A Stroke of Good Fortune
A few years ago my wife Krsna Rupa and I met an Indian gentleman named Gyan who was interested in the Srimad bhagavatam set. We went to his house to show him the books, did kirtan and gave him some prasadam. He ended up getting $1600 worth of books; the S.B set, Caitanya Caritamrta, Lilamrta, Hari Sauris books etc. We would go and visit occasionally, do a program and he would gradually pay for the books. But one day I lost his phone...
Happy Janmastami!
Hari bol Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I usually don't go out on Janmastami but I decided to this time because there is no better way to please Krsna "na ca tasman manusyesu." He says, "There is no one more dear to me than he that distributes my message of Bhagavad Gita." So what better birthday present is there than to do what is most pleasing to Him. Of course...
Voodoo Priest Gets the Mercy
In the evening, after a blissful day of book distribution in New Orleans's French Quarter, Raya Nitai Prabhu, Bhakta Steve and I were preparing to go on harinam. After we blew a conchshell to signify the beginning of harinam, a tall skinny man with a goatee, French beret, and long hair walked through a black gate from a dimly lit ally and approached us. He asked, " Are you Hare Krishnas?" We replied, "Yes." He...
Kindness Conquers the Heart
I was on my first day of book distribution with HG Navina Nirada Prabhu. We headed down to our local spot, Byron Bay. We did a harinam, sought the blessings of the ocean and then purified ourselves with some Prasadam. Now that we felt sufficiently purified we were ready to engage in the sankirtana yajna of book distribution. I stopped one young woman. She seemed very interested in the concept of Krsna consciousness but didn't seem...
Krsna works in mysterious ways…
Arcita Prabhu, whose service is with the BBT, recived a call from a lady who wanted to pay for the daily prasadam of the devotees at the New Dwaraka temple in Los Angeles. He asked her, "How did you become interested in Krsna consciousness?" She said, "When I was seven, I died, but then, mysteriously, someone took me around to different amazing places and I came back to life. When I was fifty, someone gave me a book...