What is Required to Please Krsna
In class Prabhupada explained what is required of us if we want to please Krsna and get His blessings. "We have to surrender. That will please Krsna. And without pleasing Him? You cannot see Krsna. You may have your eyes, big, big eyes, but you cannot see Krsna. You have to please Him. That pleasing activity is bhakti. "Without that bhakti, it means sitting down silently… 'No, no, I am chanting. I do not want to go...
The Bhagvad Gita wins the hearts of yoga students….
We were invited to teach mantra meditation at a small hatha yoga group's gathering in Vancouver Canada. About 15 students came. In the course of our presentation we mentioned the uncontrolled senses being like untamed horses, pulling the chariot each to its side, the reins being the mind, the driver the intelligence, the passenger the soul… and passed around a Bhagavad-gita open on the painting of that description. I saw one...
Mind Reader
It was mid year marathon in Sydney city. I was distributing books outside a busy shopping mall with HG Yasodeva Prabhu. I was amazed that books were actually going out for a change. It was a strange crowd and I was throwing out every sankirtana line I knew. I saw a group of young islander girls. "Are you girls students, workers or dancers?" I said. They seemed too preoccupied to hear what I was saying but they somehow...
Thirsty For the Nectar…..
For about a month Thailand was very unstable because of the Red Shirt protests. Every night for about a week there was a curfew, and major crowded places that are usually approached for Sankirtan were completely closed. The roads have been open for about two weeks now. And during this time we have seen a great change in the people here. Devotees have grown more and more inspired as the people have grown more receptive. Last Sunday we...
Mercy for the Most Fallen
Over the years, some sankirtan devotees do big events, and sometimes the security guards check our bags and do not allow books in. So we take Jagannatha stickers, hidden in our pockets, and some small books in a shoulder bag. When guards ask what the small books are for, I say I am giving them to friends and they usually allow them in. One big event is the famous Melbourne Cup for horse racing. A few times, after having big days with...