Some people are looking for the BG

Some people are looking for the BG

Not knowing how the book distribution day is going to be like, I pulled up to the book table spot to unload the books. To my surprise, this not-so-favourable manager of the Indian store came out with an American guy (Paul) and asks me to offer him a Bhagavad Gita. After the manager walked away, I asked Paul what was that all about? Paul told me how, he went to the Indian store hoping to find a copy of the Gita, but he...

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A devout atheist receives 14 books

A devout atheist receives 14 books

A young man was visiting New York City for the first time when he met Mahotsaha Prabhu. Mahotsaha found out that he likes to read, so, happy to hear this he distributed 14 books to him, two stackes of books. One is called sapta rishi stack which is our philosopy books, 7 books, then another stack of 7 books, all Prabhupada lila, the Prabhupada stack. Then he found out that the young man is a devout atheist, but likes to read....

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WSN January 2019 – World Sankirtan Newsletter

WSN January 2019 – World Sankirtan Newsletter

Hare Krsna, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! There’s a temple in Europe that’s a relic of ISKCON’s past. It’s in Czech Republic and is called Prabhupada Bhavan. There are about fifteen brahmacaris whose main service is book distribution. This is the No. 1 temple in Europe in the Small Temple category in January, with 3,149 book points. Another stand-out in our January book distribution is Divyanga...

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“Wwwait a minute!” and “Wicked!”

“Wwwait a minute!” and “Wicked!”

My initial thought when I looked at Kevin Chung was: “He is rushing away after a haircut on a busy street and will never take a book.” I stopped him anyway. “Wwwait a minute!” he said. “Are these writings in Sanskrit?” He started reading the Sanskrit letters and talking about how Vedic civilisation had sonic technology and could predict gene formations. Blew my mind with his knowledge. Gave a good...

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Knowledge of the Gita was part of a job interview

Knowledge of the Gita was part of a job interview

I met Mathew, a wonderful Christian gentleman from South India. He’s taught philosophy in universities around the world, and he loves the Vedas. He said that one of his close friend’s son, who is very intelligent and highly educated, was invited for a job interview in Germany. The young man flew from South India to Germany and was being interviewed by the CEO and a couple of senior staff of an IT company. The CEO told the...

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