Barak Obama Gets Bhagavata Gita!

Barak Obama Gets Bhagavata Gita!

We were in Town Hall, Sydney, Australia. There was a big parade honoring the war veterans. Soon it died down and so did the flow on the streets. We now had several book distributors and not enough people to stop between us. Bhakta Sean wasn't feeling the vibe of the whole ordeal so we decided to go for a wonder down to Martin Place (another good sankirtana spot). I wasn't distributing many books at the time so I decided I...

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Reaching out to the people that come to us.

Reaching out to the people that come to us.

I would like to write about some recent book distribution to a couple we met at the temple. It seems that almost everyone who visits somewhere on an outing is open to taking home a souvenir. In the case of visitors to our ISKCON temples, what could be a more fitting souvenir than one of Srila Prabhupada's books? Obviously these people are interested, since they have come to the temple. So all we have to do is make the effort to...

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A Visit to the orient

A Visit to the orient

Hare Krsna Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Whie visiting Taiwan, I asked my hostess, Krsna Bhavna Dasi, how she came to Krsna consciousness. She said that a sankirtana devotee had approached her aunt to distribute a Bhagavad Gita to her; the devotee was putting some presure on her to take it, but she was reluctant. He didn't give up: "This is your culture (she's from India),...

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Who’s in Maya?

Who’s in Maya?

One day, during our mid year marathon in Sydney, bhakta Josh, bhakta Sean and I all went to Cronulla Beach for some sandy sankirtan nectar! Unfortunately I was not distributing many books at all so I took the opportunity to just try and relish the taste of duty to the spiritual master. My weapons, my stopping lines were all futile. I tried all the different styles. Funny ones like "Are you together or just trying to keep...

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Executing the will of the spiritual master…

Executing the will of the spiritual master…

SB 4.28.51 purport After the death of Maharaja Pandu, his wives settled that one should remain and the other should go. Madri would perish with her husband in the fire, and Kunti would remain to take charge of the five Pandava children. Even as late as 1936 we saw a devoted wife voluntarily enter the fire of her husband. This indicates that a devotee's wife must be prepared to act in such a way. Similarly, a devoted disciple of...

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