Srila Prabhupada lands in Boston

Srila Prabhupada lands in Boston

We went to an event called "food not bombs" today. There a gentleman came and stood behind our table. He looked kind of scruffy, not sure if he was homeless or hippie, but had that kind of look. He picked up a Higher Taste from our book box and started distributing to another person, saying "this is a great book and you should take it". We asked him who he was. He said: "I met your master when he first landed...

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Book distribution is calling. Where are you?

Book distribution is calling. Where are you?

By Partha prana govinda das Most of us take to book distribution on roads and to houses on holidays or we allocate a time separately for that. What if we can distribute books during our travel in busses and trains, when we are going to our workplace. This can work well in India, as devotees use public transport for commuting to office. I am not sure of other countries. But this idea can be implemented wherever devotees use public...

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Books to Book Shops

Books to Book Shops

Once I was distributing books in Melbourne with Dhruva prabhu. We decided to go to Geelong just an hour and a half south of Melbourne. Dhruva prabhu went the day before and I was due to meet him the next day. I got caught up doing things and although wanting to get out early did not reach Geelong till 3pm. Anyway I thought the day was lost as I would get to where Dhruva was with no result. Just prior to this I had been experimenting...

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Puppets in the Hands of Krsna…

Puppets in the Hands of Krsna…

I had a nice experience in Columbus Ohiio at Ohio State University. It was the 7th day I'd worked the school and I usually don't work the same place that long so I was getting a little ready to move on. I was approaching people and not many were taking, but I continued and then all of a sudden I handed the book to this wonderful soul and he practically exploded in jubilation. He said, "Woa! This is incredible!" He...

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A Rare Occurance

A Rare Occurance

I was distributing at Fullerton College in Southern California recently when a student came to my table. I showed him the illustrations in the Bhagavad Gita and explained them to him. He was interested but not enough to take the book. The next day he came to my table again. He said, "Last night when I went home I told my father about the book you showed me, somehow I was able to explain what you showed me in the illustrations....

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