Be Convinced what kind of civilization we are trying to introduce

Be Convinced what kind of civilization we are trying to introduce

Your material desires, eating, sleeping, mating–fulfill it like a gentleman and save time and make spiritual advancement. This is to be introduced. Why you are inventing so strenuous work and spoil time, valuable time of human life? This we want to preach. Save time, be spiritually advanced, and other necessities, make it gentlemanly short-cut. If you save time, you can read all these literatures, understand what is value of...

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Use your experiences to get the books out

Use your experiences to get the books out

Hare Krsna My husband Rupa Raghunatha Prabhu, myself and my transcendental daughter Vrndavaneshvari decided to take to the road for a travelling sankirtan tour from Sydney to Murwullambah. First stop was the famous "Tuggerah Roadhouse" the biggest fuel and burger stop on the freeway and an ideal location to distribute many transcendental literatures. Shy from so much time carrying a nappy bag rather than book bag, I was...

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Preacher Gets the Mercy of the Book Distributors

Preacher Gets the Mercy of the Book Distributors

Book distribution in Malawi, Africa by Murari and Rama Gaura We arrived a week back and have started going out on book distribution in the shops and outside colleges. Its quite different compared to other places I have been and so we are happy even when 1 book goes out. In one shop, (an ISUZU motorcar display showroom) I entered and went into the 'spare parts' manager's office. He was African bodied and looked quite the...

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Srimad Bhagvatam can free us from all anxieties

Srimad Bhagvatam can free us from all anxieties

I did a home program in Auckland. At the end of the talk this Indian lady approached me with some questions. She was under lots of stress. She witnessed one of her friends committing suicide, a big shock. She is very attached to her father and for some strange reason she thought "What if my father dies"? Sure enough she got a call from india saying her father had a stroke and went into coma. Both these combined she was going...

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Where There is will, there is a Way

Abhinandan Prabhu, a 67-year young devotee is a veteran book distributor in Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir, Chowpatty. He has undergone 15 operations including hernia, prostate, ear and abdominal wall, and suffers from diabetes, high BP, partial deafness and vertigo. Yet his spirits are indomitable. He recalls his experience of 2009 December Marathon: The whole of 2009 I was terribly sick. I had severe abdominal pain due to an...

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