Let us do something about human civilization
On the whole the whole human civilization is not being given a chance to know the value of life and how to conduct life. It is the first time, that we are giving the real idea of life. Otherwise whole world is in darkness. Na te viduh svartha-gatim. They do not know what is the end of life. Adanta… Matir na krsne paratah svato va. Srimad-Bhagavatam, Vyasadeva's real contribution… Ajanatah, lokasyajanato vidvams cakre...
Sunday Feast Book Distribution
It was a typical Sunday feast in New Govardhana Australia. I sat next to my brother and I gazed over the crowd, hoping to find some nice people to talk to. Directly across from me was a large group of young people. I could read from their age and dress, what their profession was – students. I picked out a boy, directly in front of me, and started to engage in conversation. He was a psychology and Japanese major, a smart young...
Book Distribution Stories
By Omkara Devi Dasi ACBSP Recently I started part time book distribution, several days a week. Please find some stories based on my distribution program. These have enlivened me ever so much. I hope to share with you…. Hare Krsna. Your servant, Omkara dasi March 27, 2010 ( 1 ) Recently while I was distributing Perfection of Yoga in a Spanish neighborhood I started a new method whereby I would open up the book and flip through...
Determined to Give the Mercy
In a Pak 'N Save parking lot in Hamilton, New Zealand… Despite the frigid temperatures, wind chill and light rain, Ramadas Prabhu and myself were persistently presenting Srila Prabhupada's books to the exhausted Hamiltonians, some of whom were just getting off work at 9:00 PM. A fortunate few dropped into their local supermarket, Pak 'N Save, on the way home, completely unaware that Srila Prabhupada's unlimited...
Budapest Hungary
The afternoon went well. People were friendly, curious, and giving donations for books. I had an hour left at the shopping mall and prayed to Krsna to distribute a complete Krsna book (in Hungarian). The next man I met proved to be the desired customer. In fact, he was a regular customer of mine, who first bought "The Path of Perfection" four years ago, even though he had been a reader of mayavada and impersonalist books for...