Who Is This Young Man?
While I was visiting Nepal recently I found out about this incident: A few years ago, while distributing books in Kathmandu, Nepal, a devotee approached a young man in his mid teens named Suvarna and tried to convince him to take a book. Suvarna wasn't interested. But the book distributor was new at it and became forceful, demanding that Suvarna take a book. "This book saved me, and it can save you, too! Now please take it...
Books on the home front, another venue for Book Distribution
In Sydney, I mainly do book distribution on the street. We are also very fortunate to have a strong team of six Devamrita Swamis bramacaris opening the storehouse of love of God on the streets of hundreds of suburbs in Sydney. Since I took to the Grhasta asram, I have found another avenue for book distribution – inside our house. We set up a shop in the foyer with mainly books but other paraphenalia also. So we do home programs...
Don’t Laugh
Bhakta Rahul, a dentist, who is member of the Brahamchari Trainee group of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir, Chowpatty recalls this interesting experience from last year's Marathon: I was distributing books in the local trains when these two men starting making fun of me. When I was announcing they were mimicking me. I ignored them and tried to focus on the announcements. When after the announcements, no one took the books and there...
Small Town Sankirtan
Dear Devotees We went north of Sydney to Woy Woy and Gosford to tolerate the fresh air while we distributed some mercy without discrimination. Madhavendra Puri and I, the two reformed gurukulies, were dropped in Woy Woy. Like a pair of Special OPT Forces, S.A.S., we parachuted in to the fairly deserted town and positioned our transcendental trap, ready to free all those who entered from the grips of Maya. Hriman Krsna and Stambha...
Advertiser Distributor Becomes Book Distributor, or tried…
Auckland, New Zealand I met 44 year old Hemi, a warm and friendly maori (native) gentleman who is working distributing advertising leaflets to the public. He immediately recognised Srila Prabhupada's books. He already has the Gita and others but has not yet read them. He gave a donation and took 2 small books. He is working the same side of the street as me; he's been doing so from 9 until 4:30 every day for over two weeks to...