Book Distribution Nectar
Rajhamsa Prabhu, a member of BI Mumbai, and Berkley, is right now in ISKCON Belgaum, India. Although he is in his fifties, he goes out daily to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books. He picks up the books in a suitcase at 2 pm, loads it on the carrier of a bicycle and rides to the local railway station. There he boards the train and distribute books till the next main station and then returns via another train to the temple at 8:30...
Battlefield Bhajans Vol. 19
Dedicated to Srila Prabhupada edited by Partha-sarathi Dasa Srila Rupa Goswami Disappearance Day Today is Rupa Goswami's disappearance day. It was also the day of the last program in Iraq. This program was with the Indian bodied contract workers here on the base. While going over material to discuss during the class it made perfect sense to speak about the pastimes of this pure soul, Srila Rupa Goswami. I got to program about one...
Jehovah’s Witness
As she walked by she said "Oh, Hare krsna right"? I said yes I'm a member of the Hare Krsna movement. Then she went on to tell me the amazing way she became very favorable to our society. She had been a Jehovah's Witness for 14 years, and one of the things they do is they tell all the members about how bad all the other groups are. They would say about the Krsna's, that in the Bhagavad Gita it's all about war...
Krishna will be there
Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. After the dust settled after the Lollapalooza concert I moved north to Wisconsin. I visited my friend Bhagavan Acarya. It's alway's nice visiting him because all I hear out of his mouth are stories from Radha Damodara TSKP and Srila Prabhupada etc. He told me he was in Atlanta in 1975 with Radha Damodara when they all got to go upstairs and have...
Following the Editorial Audit Trail
By Madhava Smullen In the late 1990s, a BBT conference handling questions from translators sparked a renewed interest in the history of Srila Prabhupada’s books. To give satisfactory answers, BBT staff found they often had to go back to early manuscripts, Prabhupada’s dictated tapes, or original Sanskrit or Bengali texts. This wasn’t new to Govinda Madhava Dasa, who’d served with the BBT since 1980 and as North...