Lipovec Hit by Thirty eight Bombs

Lipovec Hit by Thirty eight Bombs

by Tirthakara Dasa When I have an opportunity and I happen to be in Daruvar, where there are many Czech villages, I distribute books door to door. Recently, I completed my distribution in a small village called Lipovec. I have to say it was tough. Village people are often covered heavily by ignorance, because they kill so many animals cows, pigs, chickens. They kill them directly and they breed them for the slaughterhouses. I doubted...

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Transcendental Time Bomb Finally Went Off

Transcendental Time Bomb Finally Went Off

by Vijaya Dasa While in Mayapur at a seminar given by Jayadvaita Swami, I was sitting next to a young devotee, Jean, who had recently joined. During a break I asked him how he had found his way to Krishna consciousness. He said, "My sister was attending high school and was known at the school as an avid reader. One day the librarian asked if she would like to have some books that had been gathering a lot of dust. My sister took...

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The Powerful words of Prabhupada

The Powerful words of Prabhupada

By Suresvara dasa By Krsna’s mercy I found that no one could defeat me in any argument; no matter how educated they might be by material estimation. I spoke to a college professor once when I was selling books in Knoxville Tennessee. He said he was a scientist. He looked at my devotee dress and said our movement was just a bunch of sentimentalist – just dancing and chanting in the street. I stated something which I had...

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Kalachandji’s Sponsors Book Table and Prasada at Musical Concert

Kalachandji’s Sponsors Book Table and Prasada at Musical Concert

by Gita Govinda Dasi Indranuja Dasa met a man a musician and a vocalist at a Whole Foods store. He had read the Bhagavad-gita and liked Arjuna, so had bought another book from the devotees. Now he was preparing to perform a concert. Indranuja Dasa asked him if we could distribute prasadaand books inside the theater. The man eagerly agreed. So Kalachandji's restaurant sponsored pakoras, tamarind chutney,...

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How did the funeral go?

How did the funeral go?

By Adiguru das Upon seeing the chanting and dancing of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Lord Nityananda predicted that later there would be dancing and chanting in every village. This prediction of Sri Nityananda Prabhu is applicable not only in India but also all over the world. That is now happening by His grace. The members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness are now traveling from one village to another in the...

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