What happened to your hand?

What happened to your hand?

By Adiguru das This morning my wife, Kamalagopi devi dasi, had given ‘Billie’ some Maha Flowers offered to our beloved Sri Sri Radha Neelmadhava deities. She was smelling those flowers again and again and thanked us profusely and especially my wife. She put on those flowers on the dash-board of her car. As i again took that cab with ‘Billie’ to Houston airport, I asked her where are the books that she had so...

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The Most Ecstatic skp Newsletter Of All Time!

The Most Ecstatic skp Newsletter Of All Time!

By Hari-sauri dasa Here’s nice story from 1975 Thanksgiving Day in America. Ramesvara had sent a report about book distribution in America (this is a little long but its well worth the read): December 9, 1975 Vrindavana “Ramesvara concluded enthusiastically, “Our only desire is to surrender our lives to help publish and distribute millions of Your Divine Grace’s wonderful books. Here in LA they are selling over...

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On the way to San Francisco

On the way to San Francisco

By Adiguru das I ususally take cabs to travel to the Houston airport. Sometimes it gives me amazing opportunity to preach. I met this cab driver ‘Billie’ who runs her car only in night. We started talking about human nature and how complex is it to satisfy a human being. Then she told us that she was interested in universal brotherhood and sorority and that she believed in a universal God. She had lots of her ideas so I...

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One Soul at a Time

One Soul at a Time

By Praghosa Das ACBSP I wanted to offer a few words of encouragement to all the assembled devotees throughout the world who are today embarking on the first day of December and their annual efforts to increase Srila Prabhupada’s Book Distribution during the Christmas Marathon. I myself came to Krsna Consciousness as a direct result of Srila Prabhupada’s Perfection of Yoga. This wonderful book taken from Srila...

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Be Bold

Be Bold

By Vaisesika Dasa Dear Devotees, Please accept my humble pranams at your feet. All glories to the founder/Acarya of ISKCON and his unparalleled books. Srila Prabhupada made our lives exciting. He pushed us and he was definitely not accustomed to thinking small. In thinking of what my life was like while Srila Prabhupada walked the planet, I often recall a famous quotation from Helen Keller: “Life is either a daring adventure, or...

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