Niranjana Swami on Book Distribution
By Niranjana Swami I was recently inspired. It was the 2nd day of our GBC meetings this year. I was completely absorbed the whole day, which for me is not something very easy. I am not so inclined to meetings, but on this 2nd day of our GBC meetings, there was only one subject, and that was book distribution. It was affirmed by other GBC members with whom I spoke that this was the most enlivening day ever spent in a GBC meeting...
Caring for People After Sankirtan
By Tejagaurangi Devi Dasi From: Anakadundubhi Prabhu, a disciple of His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami, is one of the most famous sankirtan devotees in ISKCON. Prabhu frequently tops the sankirtan list, ranking as the number one book distributor in the world. He lives with his wife Caitanya-lila in Villaggio Hare Krishna temple in northern Italy. Both devotees have dedicated their lives to full-time sankirtan service...
Book Distribution in my Home Town
By Vasudeva Datta das Dear Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Recently we were doing sankirtan in my hometown in Slovenia. Before going there I had to go through a strenuous purification of my mind. And my false ego was flipping out: “What will happen when you will meet this relative and that professor or exgirlfriend?! How will all these people react when they see you in this strange...
Sankirtana Musings Or Praise Among Friends
By Satyaraja Dasa (Steven J. Rosen) Associate editor for Back to Godhead Magazine and founding editor, The Journal of Vaishnava Studies Today, when I think of Sankirtana and by Sankirtana I mean the process in which men and women go out and distribute spiritual literature or prasadam to people in general I must admit that my opinions about this singularly transcendent activity have come full circle. Initially, as a young devotee, I...
Book Distribution of the Future – Today
By Dayananda Das Most of us are familiar with Prabhupada’s statements about the importance of book distribution: “It is my foremost desire.” “It is your duty; try your best.” “It is pleasing and inspiring to me.” Interestingly, in Melbourne, he also said, “Selling books is ‘Krishna anxiety’ spiritual anxiety.” Regarding a society without sankirtana yajna, he commented...