Book Distribution Nectar by Govindananda Dasa

Book Distribution Nectar by Govindananda Dasa

Experiences while distributing Srila Prabhupada's books to others.   A DREAM COMETRUE   This story took place in March this year in a simple nondescript typical Indian village in Maharashtra. Travelling by our sankirtana bus, we toured different places and distributed many of Srila Prabhupada's books. During the day we would set up stall or distribute books door to door. In the evening we would ask some farmer for...

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A Letter from Czech Republic, dhoti sankirtan

A Letter from Czech Republic, dhoti sankirtan

Thank you for writing. One time Indranuja Prabhu and I went out to a big event in the park in Denton. He thought it was a good idea to wear dhotis but the result was that after driving there for an hour we were kicked out immediatly. That is the only trouble I can think of. In the 70's we wore western clothes because people would be so freaked at the sight of vaisnava dress that you could not go into any conversation with them....

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“I believed cent percent in his word.”

“I believed cent percent in his word.”

Ananda Vidya Prabhu recently said in Mayapur: "In Florida, during the December marathon, I was showing a group of young people the 5th canto, and explaining briefly to them, and I asked for a donation. The guy with the book in his hand seemed slightly interested, but still he was apprehensive. I said, "It's got some cool artwork; I'll show you.' I opened the book to the pictures of the hellish planets, the one...

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Lecture by H.G Ananda Vidya Prabhu, Mayapur 2005

Lecture by H.G Ananda Vidya Prabhu, Mayapur 2005

Hare Krsna Prabhus. I distribute books in the United States, mainly traveling in a van. I am from New Vrindavan. There is not so much in that direct area, and so we travel a lot. During the school year, we go to college campuses. During the summer we follow the rock concert tours. That is a very ecstatic experience. Vijay Prabhu is one of my inspirations for doing these concert tours. I think he might have been the one who gave me my...

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Mayapur 2005, lecture by H.H Niranjana Swami

Mayapur 2005, lecture by H.H Niranjana Swami

This lecture is also attached as a word file: His Holiness Niranjana Swami: I don't know if I am so qualified to speak tonight as Vijay Prabhu has presented. Still, because I've been asked, I will say some words. I will hopefully express realizations which will inspire, if only one or two, at least somebody, to understand the importance of Srila Prabhupada's book distribution mission. I was recently inspired. It was the...

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